ART+ on the front page of Mlada fronta DNES

The ART+ yearbook inspired Mf DNES to issue an article about art market, which the paper published on its front page on 4th March 2010.

The very introduction to this article refers to statistics of ART+ and quotes the words of the editor in chief, Jan Skřivánek. The text further includes a brief presentation of the ART+ index.

“The art market or its dynamics are not easy to assess. The main concern is not limited to the price of the most expensive works, yet one has to consider the number of works remaining in auctions, the permanently non-saleable items or even those pieces sold at the starting price only. The art market is considered sound if there is only small percentage of items on sale left unsold and with individual works sold after price increase from the starting level. The year 2008 was even sounder than 2009 in these terms, despite the total turnover reaching higher level last year,' explains Skřivánek. All these aspects summarised can present an objective idea of trade with artistic items. That was one of the reasons for establishment of the Art plus index, which allows for retroactive “comments” about the Czech market. This index started with one hundred points in 2003, which have risen up to almost septuple of the value now," wrote the author of this article, Klára Kubíčková.

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