Dorotheum (6th March 2010)

The auction of renaissance and baroque books collection became a sensation of Saturday auction arranged by the Dorotheum company.

Ortus Sanitatis / Venezia 1511 / price: CZK 450,000

Apart from three items, the auction resulted in sale of all sixty-one old prints for the total amount of CZK 3.5 million (no price listed includes the auctioneer´s commission). The total starting price for the complete volume equalled to CZK 776 thousand only.

The work assigned with the highest starting price was the Ortus Sanitatis, a herbarium written in Latin, issued in Venice in the year 1511. The starting price of this book was set at CZK 60 thousand and the final price reached the level of CZK 450 thousand. There were 9 other books sold for the total exceeding one thousand Czech crowns.

The highest price increase, compared to the starting level, could be seen at the Bohemia Docta book by Bohuslav Balbín. This book, published in Prague in 1777, only after the author´s death, got from 5 to 100 thousand Czech crowns.

St. Wenceslas / Czech, mid 18th century
wood, polychromy / height 105 cm / price: CZK 300,000

As announced by the auctioneer, the books on sale were originally included within a private collection of some undisclosed doctor from the North of Czech.
The set of old sacral statues originated from the same owner. The auction ended with all the 29 items sold, every single one associated with significant price increase.

The greatest price increase was recorded at the one metre high statuette of St. Wenceslas, which started at 70 and ended at 300 thousand Czech crowns. The same price was also attributed to the late Gothic statue of St. Ann of Alexandra. Yet its starting price was set at 240 thousand Czech crowns.

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