Kubišta at Meissner-Neumann

Meissner-Neumann will offer over 1000 items of fine art and antiques in the auction held in Inter-Continental Hotel, Prague 1, Parizska 30 on Sunday 12. December from 2 p. m. (Press Release)

Bohumil Kubista: Beehive / around 1908 / oil on canvas / 36 x 49,4 cm

The most important painting in the auction will be Beehive by Bohumil Kubišta, executed about 1908. It was part of collections of prof. Antonín Matějček, the outstanding Czech art historian, and of Czech painter Milan Albich. It was exhibited by the National Gallery in Prague in 1993 and by Benedikt Rejt Gallery in Louny in 1984. According to Mahulena Nešlehová, the respected expert, „Beehive shows Kubišta´s unprecedented concern for issues related to colour.“

Bohumil Kubišta who was acquainted with representatives of French Cubism and with members of the German group Die Brücke is one of the most important members of progresive Czech painters of his time. He died prematurely in 1918 and his works appear at auctions very rarely. The most expensive Kubišta´s painting in Czech auctions was Forest Edge (1910) sold for 4,8 mln CZK in 2000.

František Foltýny: Abstract Composition / 1929 / oil on canvas / 60 x 81 cm

Another important painting in the auction is Abstract Composition executed by František Foltýn in 1929. Together with František Kupka Foltýn is the most important abstract painter between the wars. His painting will be auctioned with a starting price of 800 000 CZK.

There are also two items owned by the family of a prominent Prague metal founder Karel Barták. One of them is Still-Life With a Goblet by Emil Filla (1931) with the starting prize of 500 000 CZK. The other one is Three Graces - Study For the Gates of Hell by Auguste Rodin, patinated cast bronze, 40 000 CZK.

Emil Filla: Still-Life with Goblet / 1931/ oil on canvas / 23 x 34 cm

As for the antiques, there is a Fabergé Table Clock, early 20th century, with enamel and gold decorations. The starting price is 300 000 CZK. The Nuremberg Goblet (1550 – 1600), gilt silver, will be auctioned for 100 000 CZK. The starting price of a Tiffany Vase, Tiffany Studio, NY, height 50 cm, with silver mount, is 35 000 CZK.

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