Fotoreport z Maastrichtu

Fotoreportáž Jana Rasche z letošního veletrhu v Maastrichtu.


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Unfulfilled Expectations?

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A collection like the Cullen Collection could have originated only in the very specific atmosphere of the turn of the 1980s and 1990s, the era of the melting of the political ice and the unprecedented openness of the West towards Eastern Europe. I...

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London Cullen Collection & Czech Art Sales

Sotheby’s – The auction of the collection of the American couple the Cullens, which took place in London on Wednesday, 12 November 2014, yielded 784,200 pounds sterling (excluding VAT and other fees). Expressed in Czech korunas, collectors paid 27...

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<span lang="en-GB">Collectors and investors spent over CZK 100 million at global auctions of Czech artworks. </span><span lang="en-GB">One can only guess what the proportion of buyers from the Czech Republic was, but it was probably significant.</...

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Unfulfilled Expectations?

Unfulfilled Expectations?

5. května 2015

Czechs in London

Czechs in London

3. května 2015

Buying Back

Buying Back

15. dubna 2015
